Category Archives: Economic Justice

TTIP threatens success of Paris climate agreement

It is a month after the Paris agreement to tackle climate change was finalised, but the debate has yet to die down. The deal has been welcomed by many – indeed the fact that 195 countries reached an at least

TTIP threatens success of Paris climate agreement

It is a month after the Paris agreement to tackle climate change was finalised, but the debate has yet to die down. The deal has been welcomed by many – indeed the fact that 195 countries reached an at least

Corporate power danger shown by EU alcohol ruling

An EU court has been considering whether European free trade rules will prevent Scottish plans to reduce alcohol-related harm. It is now more than three years since action to reduce the consumption of the cheapest super-strength alcoholic drinks was agreed

Corporate power danger shown by EU alcohol ruling

An EU court has been considering whether European free trade rules will prevent Scottish plans to reduce alcohol-related harm. It is now more than three years since action to reduce the consumption of the cheapest super-strength alcoholic drinks was agreed

Black Lives Matter in Europe

Black Lives Matter* activists visited Europe last week to share their experience of anti-racism campaigning in the US. They hoped to learn about, and encourage, efforts to address racism in Europe. Their visit was organised by the International Fellowship of

Black Lives Matter in Europe

Black Lives Matter* activists visited Europe last week to share their experience of anti-racism campaigning in the US. They hoped to learn about, and encourage, efforts to address racism in Europe. Their visit was organised by the International Fellowship of

We CAN choose loving and effective responses

Between January and September 2015 an estimated 2,400 people have drowned in the Mediterranean whilst trying to reach Europe. We CAN choose loving and effective responses A tiny proportion of the world’s people have no choice but to flee oppression

We CAN choose loving and effective responses

Between January and September 2015 an estimated 2,400 people have drowned in the Mediterranean whilst trying to reach Europe. We CAN choose loving and effective responses A tiny proportion of the world’s people have no choice but to flee oppression

Liberating People instead of Trade

They tell us that the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European Union (EU) and Canada has been finalised – but not what the text is. In fact, if you search on the European Commission website for CETA, you

Liberating People instead of Trade

They tell us that the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European Union (EU) and Canada has been finalised – but not what the text is. In fact, if you search on the European Commission website for CETA, you

Stop TTIP photo

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – The European Commission Consultation

Originally posted on rationaldebate:
As promised in my previous blog on TTIP, here’s some information about how you can respond to the European Commission consultation on TTIP. European Commission Consultations – what are they for? I could be cynical about…

Stop TTIP photo

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – The European Commission Consultation

Originally posted on rationaldebate:
As promised in my previous blog on TTIP, here’s some information about how you can respond to the European Commission consultation on TTIP. European Commission Consultations – what are they for? I could be cynical about…


The Spiritual Roots of Social Change

QCEA was recently invited to participate in discussions on the role of religion in public affairs. The discussions were fascinating: depending on the religion from which one views the question, the answers differ. The question is, how can religion play


The Spiritual Roots of Social Change

QCEA was recently invited to participate in discussions on the role of religion in public affairs. The discussions were fascinating: depending on the religion from which one views the question, the answers differ. The question is, how can religion play

An Unnecessary Tradition – The Origins of Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is an expansive Free Trade Agreement (FTA) currently being negotiated between the European Union (EU) Commission and the United States of America (US). If negotiations are successful and the deal is ratified by

An Unnecessary Tradition – The Origins of Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is an expansive Free Trade Agreement (FTA) currently being negotiated between the European Union (EU) Commission and the United States of America (US). If negotiations are successful and the deal is ratified by